Weekly Summary 4/1/2019

High Lights:

  • 1st Round of the year!
  • New Bed

Low Lights:

  • Lack of workouts
  • still eating like a pig
Cantigny Golf course

Last week there was a solid Saturday Afternoon that was low 50s and sunny.  Was able to snatch a 2:10 tee time at Cantigny Played a solid round with a couple of buddies and one of their friends for an almost chilly kick off round of the season.

I shot under 100 for and hit that ball pretty well off tee. As usual, my short game got the better of me especially 50 yards and under.  I can’t wait to focus on that in practice this year.  It should shave at least 6 strokes off my game easy.

Other big news was that for the first time out of the hotel, I am sleeping in a King size bed.  What a game changer to have all that room.  I had been having trouble falling asleep once in bed for a while now.  I tried a lot of things like blue light glasses and not looking at my phone after 9:00 PM.  Since I started sleeping on it I’ve fallen asleep super fast and stayed asleep which is always a good thing.

Looking forward to next week I’m going to keep logging my food and hit the gym 3 times this week.  Working on portion control might be easier than a stricter diet.

Cheers to another productive week.




Weekly Summary 2/17/2019

High Lights:

  • Valentines Day Dinner
  • 5 Days with no Alcohol

Low Lights:

  • Not Enough Lifting
  • Eat like a pig

This Chicago Winter is really starting to drag on.  Maybe I need to take a serious dose of Vitamin D to bring up my spirits and get a little pep back in my step.

I attempted to get my golf fix after watching what seemed to be 30 straight hours straight of golf this Saturday and Sunday with all the weather delays at the Gennnisss Open in California pushing rounds 2,3,4 into two days.   This task proved to be harder than I thought it would for living in downtown Chicago. There is only 1 place in the loop to my knowledge and when I called at  2:20 pm they were booked full for the rest of the day. 🙁  This might be a special case since it is a 3-day weekend for President Day.

I will try and go to this location during this next week to see if this is something I would get into,  it is kind of expensive at $50 an hour, but hey they do valet your car for 4 hours for only 10 dollars.  I will break that experience down in a dedicated blog later this week.

On the fitness side of this week, I went out way to hard in a workout on Tuesday that had a wild amount of pull-ups that basically blew my lats out.  This was a scary feeling as I can’t remember a time when my lats were ever sore.  That put me out of commission for a few days, but I did go to a Yoga class to help stretch things out.  Having not been sure if I had really hurt myself or just needed a few days to let them recuperate and took advantage of my buildings Gym and did some light lifting and some short cardio.

I should be finishing up my Current audiobook titled Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss and Thal Raz.  This has been a fun listen so far, I wish I could dedicate more time to actively listen to this book.  It really is worth a read/listen.

Any recommendations on what I should read next??





Weekly Summary 1/20/2019



  • Only 3 Workouts

For two weeks in a row, Sunday has been the best.  I took advantage of the extremely cold weather and was able to get a table and the breakfast spot called Batter and Berries.  I had tried to get a table at his place 3 times before and was always met with a 90 minute wait times and would always have to find another place to have brunch.

Since the weather was cold I was able to get a table as soon as I walked in.  This was a relief since I was really amped to try this place for quite some time and it did not disappoint!  I eat the same breakfast on the weekdays so I like to get French Toast on the weekends for brunch and breakfast.  I ordered the Super Flight of French Toast which had 5 flavors to sample.  Those flavors included Strawberry, Blueberry, Lemon, Carmel, and my favorite Peach Cobbler.  I will break down my whole experience in a restaurant review later this week.

Going to shoot for 4 workouts next week and stack it with more days of health-conscious meals.

2019 Resolutions and Goals

  1.  Read or listen to 12 or more books
  2.  Work out more than 160 times
  3.  Bike more than 300 miles
  4.  Play 30 rounds of Golf
  5.  Continue to practice my typing skills
  6.  Practice yoga twice a month (only hot yoga will count towards work out count)
  7.  Attempt to meal prep with also some baking mixed in
  8.  Start to learn how to code in the Python language
  9. 30 Days consecutively sober

Most of my resolutions are fitness based- So 2019 will be my year of fitness!  All of the above should be easily doable as long as I stay committed and don’t go off track for a month or two as I have done so in the past.  To help keep myself on track I will include my progress to the weekly summary blogs.  So there will be a ton of more blog content to post to this page generally on a weekly basis to review the week in totality.

I have never really put to much stock in New Year New me, but I am giving it the old college try and feeling very positive about the possible outcomes of my goals.

Cheers and Happy New Year!!

Weekly Summary 12/9/2018

TL:DR 2 Work outs and blew my back out.

It was a wild week for me.  Only 2 workouts due to my back issue, which seems to be healing just fine.  I’m hoping to be back in action by Wednesday. 

Had good golf strategy session to talk about this off season protocols and how to get better with out swinging a club.

Huge Bears win to cap off the week.


A. 5 min clean position instructional work

B. Segmented clean deadlift x2 + Segmented clean pull x2
4x(2+2); Rest 60-90s

C. @ 0:00—
30 power cleans (95/65)
30 row calories
@ 5:00—
Power cleans (95/65)
Row calories
@ 10:00—
Power cleans (95/65)
Row calories


 Supinated flexed arm hang
Accumulate 6 sets of consistent duration; Rest 60sTraining notes:
B. 20 min AMRAP:
20 air squats
15 push-ups, hand-release
10 pistols, alternating
5/arm single-arm DB snatch (70/50)

Weekly Workout Summary 12/2/2018

TL:DR 4 Work outs


Row 7,500 Meters


For time:
75 double DB front squats (35/20)
600 Single-unders
3 miles assault bike/2000m row
50 double DB front squats
350 Single-unders
2 miles assault bike/1000m row


A. 5 min AMRAP:
burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups or burpee pull-upsR

B. For time:
27 deadlifts (155/105)
21 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts (155/105)
15 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (155/105)
9 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts (155/105)


 10 minute handstand skill work

B. “18.1”
20 min AMRAP:
8 toes-to-bar
10 single-arm DB clean & jerks (50/35)
14/12 row calories

Weekly Workout Summary 11/18/2018

TL:DR version

4 Total Workouts 


8,6,4; Building; Rest 2 min

B. 5 min:
60s banded pull-throughs
60s box jumps, step down (24/20)
30s hollow hold
(Rest 2 min)
10 min @ 85%:
10 DB box step overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)
5 bar muscle-ups
(Rest 2 min)
5 min:
60s banded good mornings
60s box jumps, step down (24/20)
30s plank


 A. 3 rounds:
100’/arm KB waiter’s walk
-Rest 45s
Accumulate 30-60s hang from pull-up bar

B. For time:
21 power cleans (135/95)
9 wall climbs
15 power cleans (135/95)
7 wall climbs
9 power cleans (135/95)
5 wall climbs


 Front squat
5,4,3; 32×1 tempo; Across; Rest 2 min

B. 3 rounds:
10-12 partner glute-ham raises
-Rest 30s
30-60s anti-rotational front plank
-Rest 1 min

C. E2min for 3 sets/6 rounds:
1st: 30s assault bike or row @ escalating effort – last 7s all out
2nd: 6 touch-and-go hang power cleans + 6 touch-and-go shoulder-to-overhead


A. 10 minute handstand skill work

B. 8 min AMRAP @ 85%:
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
50 double-unders
10 assault bike/row calories
50 double-unders
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP @ 85%:
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
50 double-unders