Weekly Summary 12/9/2018

TL:DR 2 Work outs and blew my back out.

It was a wild week for me.  Only 2 workouts due to my back issue, which seems to be healing just fine.  I’m hoping to be back in action by Wednesday. 

Had good golf strategy session to talk about this off season protocols and how to get better with out swinging a club.

Huge Bears win to cap off the week.


A. 5 min clean position instructional work

B. Segmented clean deadlift x2 + Segmented clean pull x2
4x(2+2); Rest 60-90s

C. @ 0:00—
30 power cleans (95/65)
30 row calories
@ 5:00—
Power cleans (95/65)
Row calories
@ 10:00—
Power cleans (95/65)
Row calories


 Supinated flexed arm hang
Accumulate 6 sets of consistent duration; Rest 60sTraining notes:
B. 20 min AMRAP:
20 air squats
15 push-ups, hand-release
10 pistols, alternating
5/arm single-arm DB snatch (70/50)