Weekly Post 8/19/2019


  • Actually went for a run
  • Visit with an Old Friend


  • Still working like a crazy man

The weather was pretty nice this week and suddenly had the urge to go for a run. only went for a little under 2 miles. It was nice to get outside and do something active. I performed a lot better than I expected so I should keep try and keep up jogging especially now that the temperature isn’t in the high 90s anymore. We’ll see if I can stick with it. My heart Montier also just kinda gave out in the middle of my run so that was a big bummer as I like to look back and evaluate my effort and to see if I’ve made any progress on the fitness side of things.
Had a great time on catching up with a long-time friend on a Sunday BBQ. keeping up with high school friends that move away after college can be tough some times but we always try and sneak in some hang out time with golf trips or other excursions but mostly it always comes down to sneaking in a few hours during the holidays in between family parties. It always feels a bit rushed but, not this visit. We had almost 4 hours to catch up and watch some golf on the couch for what felt like the whole afternoon. We already started to plan our next golf trip. time to break out the golf trip spreadsheet and get planning.
Just feels like I’m putting in a billion hours of work every week and its starting to wear on me. Especially getting up early to go for work cuts into the time I would like to be with my family. Before the kid, my mindest would be to just work as many hours as possible but now that mental math of how much it’s it worth to spend time with family or make another hour pay is a real struggle sometimes