Weekly Post 8/5/2019

High Lights:

  • Golf League

Low Lights:

  • Car Trouble
  • Sun Burn

For the first time in a long time, my skin got so burnt that it has actually started to peel off. Now it’s not what you think as I did liberally put on sunscreen, but there was a section on my back just below my shoulder blades that my hands couldn’t reach. I did ask for help applying the lotion. Yet, I was a bigtime idiot and told my helper that I had already covered that area. well after something like 9 hours in the sun playing in the sand and waves of Lake Michigan the strip of exposed skin fried like a piece of chicken at KFC.

But at least my sunburn will heal back. In other news, my car has started to make an awful noise from 0 mph all the way to 25 mph. I think it has something to do with a belt or pulley when both the electric motor and gas engine are working in tandem to get up to speed. After having some friends take a look at the car and see if they could help diagnose the issue. They all agreed it was something with the belt system or a shaky pulley. I tried to book some shop time with the dealer since the car is still under the 60,000-mile drive train warranty. But, alas the earliest they could get me in was August 21st. This was a problem because I was several hundred miles over 59,000 was getting dangerously close to having my warranty expired. I wasn’t to too worried though since I was pretty sure it was something small but you can’t be too careful when it comes to these manufacturers warranty because they will not touch your car if it’s even a 1/10th of a mile over that magic number. For now, I’ll try and keep my car in the garage and conserve as many miles as I can to make it all the way to the 21st.

Was nice to get back out on the course and play a league round with the group. even though it was 4 club challenge day I still was able to carry over some of the stuff I learned on the golf clinic I had just gone to.