My Top 3 Moments of the Winter Olympics

  1.  Elizabeth Swany- Women’s Half-Pipe skiing

The best part of this clip is the color commentators.  They never break character and actually break down her “Olympic effort” run.  Plus you gotta love the planning that got Liz into this Olympics, only competing in event that had less than 30 participants so she was guaranteed to qualify.  She also didn’t even come in last also, other ladies that went for it and crashed somehow scored lower than riding down the shoot.  That the real travesty that a run with ZERO tricks can beat someone that tried to send with a real Olympic effort.

2)  USA women’s first Gold medal in Cross County skiing

NBC stream of the last Lap

Extremely thrilling with a massively entertaining final lap that was a fight to the finish.  Again the announcers are the ones that really make this event move to the top of my list.  So much energy and excitement in their voices, you can’t help but get amped up.  Not to undersell the efforts by the ladies, you could see the pain on their face as they were giving it all going neck and neck with the other two teams.  So much back and forth, watching this live I had to stand up and started cheering for us to win.

3) Ester Ledecka Winning the Alpine Super-G gold medal on borrowed skis

Whats even wilder is that she is predominately a snowboarder which she just casually also won a gold medal in too.  Her face says it all at the end of the run when she is able to see that she won 1st place by .01 seconds #awestruck

Honorable Mentions:

I realize that all three of my favorite moments are all Women’s events. I guess that’s just how the cookie crumbled these games. I did enjoy much more of the games then what I’ve already listed above. Below are two you probably already know about but are worth look if you haven’t watched them yet.

  1. Shaun Whites gold medal half pipe run
  2. USA women’s ice hockey beating Canada for the gold medal