First Attempt At Kombucha

2/1/18 6:12 AM CST

Snap Chat Video Below

Watch out for the 10 second still pictures

Step 1) Boil approximately 1 gallon of water in 2.5-gallon pot

Step 2) Once water is at a rolling boil slowly pour in 2 cups of granulated sugar.  Be sure to keep stirring as the sugar will sink and burn on the bottom of the pot.  Once your sure all sugar has dissolved turn off the heat.

Step 3) Steep the equivalent of 16 tea bags of black tea (some other teas work just as fine.) I recommended tying them all together to make it easier to manipulate once the tea bags get soggy.  The bags should not steep any longer than 5 minutes.  I also squeezed the bags (with my bare hand, HOT!) to get the last of the flavor out of the tea bags and into the pot.

Step 4) Using the coldest water you have, fill the pot to a full 2 gallons. The goal is to reduce the temperature enough to not kill the live culture-SCOBY.

The temperature should be at least under 80 degrees Fahrenheit before you pour the tea into the brewing vessel with the existing SCOBY already in the jar.

Step 5 Be patient in 7-10 days you should be able to enjoy a couple glasses of your very own Kombucha


Shout out to my main man Matt Kombuchade for the starter SCOBY and quick how-to directions.